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со всех языков на английский

on the way there

  • 1 the way there

    • menomatka

    English-Finnish dictionary > the way there

  • 2 there's a reminiscence of her mother in the way she talks

    there's a reminiscence of her mother in the way she talks

    English-Dutch dictionary > there's a reminiscence of her mother in the way she talks

  • 3 the way to a man's heart is through his stomach

    var: you can win a man through his stomach
    syn: a hungry man is an angry man
    шлях до серця чоловіка лежить через його шлунок a hungry belly has no ears

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > the way to a man's heart is through his stomach

  • 4 there are too many ifs in the way

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there are too many ifs in the way

  • 5 there is a reminiscence of his father in the way he walks

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there is a reminiscence of his father in the way he walks

  • 6 there's genius in the way this was painted

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there's genius in the way this was painted

  • 7 there is a reminiscence of his father in the way he walks

    viņa gaitā kaut kas atgādina tēvu

    English-Latvian dictionary > there is a reminiscence of his father in the way he walks

  • 8 out of the way

    1. adj phr
    1) не по пути, в стороне; отдалённый, расположенный далеко от центра; непосещаемый, уединённый, заброшенный (тж. out-of-the-way)

    I have seen some fine acting in some small, out of the way theatres... (N. Coward, ‘Play Parade’, ‘Introduction’) — Мне приходилось видеть великолепную игру в некоторых маленьких провинциальных театрах...

    2) не мешающий, не стоящий поперёк дороги; законченный, решённый

    Soames looked out of the window. The spring was late! ‘She oughtn't to be, with that case out of the way.’ (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Silver Spoon’, part III, ch. XI) — Сомс посмотрел в окно. Весна запаздывает! А не следовало бы ей запаздывать, раз процесс выигран.

    You're afraid - maybe not of me as an individual, because I'm not such great shakes, but of what stood behind me once, and what may stand behind me again. That's why you want me out of the way. (S. Heym, ‘Goldsborough’, ch. 2) — Вы боитесь, может быть, не меня лично - что я такое в конце концов, - нет, вы боитесь тех, кто стоял за меня когда-то и, возможно, будет стоять теперь. Вот почему вам надо убрать меня с дороги.

    It looked as though Mrs. Danvers entertained her visitors in the morning-room when Maxim and I were out of the way. (D. du Maurier, ‘Rebecca’, ch. 13) — Наверное, как только я и Максим уходили и не мешали миссис Денверс, она устраивала в своей гостиной приемы.

    I feel better, now that problem is out of the way. (RHD) — У меня улучшилось настроение, когда этот вопрос был наконец решен.

    3) необычный, исключительный, из ряда вон выходящий; необыкновенный, незаурядный, оригинальный (тж. out-of-the-way)

    ...nor did Alice think it was so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, ‘Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!’ (L. Carroll, ‘Alice's Adventures in Wonderland’, ch. I) —...услыхав, как кролик сказал самому себе: "Вот так так! Вот так так! Я же опоздаю", Алиса ничуть не удивилась.

    She did not see anything out of the way in his work. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’, ch. 43) — Миссис Оттер не находила в работе Клаттона ничего примечательного.

    Keld: "...How are you, darling?" Sheila: "Much the same as usual; nothing out of the way has happened." (N. Coward, ‘The Rat Trap’, act III) — Келд: "...Ну, как дела, дорогая?" Шейла: "Все по-прежнему. Ничего особенного не произошло."

    4) неуместный, ошибочный; странный, подозрительный

    ‘Who is that girl you've got in your office, Silas Lapham?’ she demanded, when her husband entered. ‘...Did you ever know me to do anything out of the way?’ ‘That isn't what I asked you.’ (W. Howells, ‘The Rise of Silas Lapham’, ch. XXVI) — - Что это за девушка у тебя в конторе, Сайлас Лапхем? - спросила жена, когда Сайлас пришел домой. -...Вспомни, совершил ли я когда-нибудь хоть один неблаговидный поступок? - Я тебя не об этом спрашиваю.

    The night watchman looked around the building, but he saw nothing out of the way. (DAI) — Ночной сторож обошел дом, но не увидел ничего подозрительного.

    I'm sorry if I said something out of the way. (DAI) — Прошу прощения, если сказал что-то не то.

    2. int phr

    ‘Out of the way there!’ shouted the captain. ‘In the name of His Holiness!’ (E. L. Voynich, ‘The Gadfly’, part III, ch. 2) — "Прочь с дороги! - крикнул капитан. - Именем его святейшества приказываю вам расступиться!"

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > out of the way

  • 9 out of the way

      I. adj phr
       1) нe пo пути, в cтopoнe; oтдaлённый, pacпoлoжeнный дaлeкo oт цeнтpa; нeпoceщaeмый, уeдинённый
        I have seen some fine acting in some small, out of the way theatres (N. Coward)
       2) нe мeшaющий, нe cтoящий пoпepёк дopoги; зaкoнчeнный, peшённый
        It looked as though Mrs. Danvers entertained her visitors in the morning-room when Maxim and I were out of the way CD. du Maurier). I feel better, now that problem is out of the way
       3) нeoбычный, иcключитeльный, из pядa вoн выxoдящий; нeoбыкнoвeнный, нeзaуpядный, opигинaльный
        Nor did Alice think it was so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, 'Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!' (L. Carrolt). She did not see anything out of the way in his work (W. S. Maugham). Keld....How are you, darling? Sheila. Much the same as usual: nothing out of the way has happened (N. Coward)
       4) нeумecтный, oшибoчный; cтpaнный, пoдoзpитeльный
        'Who is that girl you've got in your office, Silas Lapham?' she demanded, when her husband entered. '...Did you ever know me to do anything out of the way?' 'That isn't what I asked you' (W. Howells). The night watchman looked around the building but he saw nothing out of the way
      II. int phr
       пpoчь c дopoги!
        'Out of the way there!' shouted the captain. 'In the name of His Holiness!' (E. L. Voynich)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > out of the way

  • 10 in the way of smth.

    1) в отношении чего-л., что касается; по части чего-л., насчёт чего-л., в рассуждении чего-л.

    Remembering that he had come in the way of business, and was, as it were, under a flag of truce. (Ch. Kingsley, ‘The Water-Babies’, ch. I) — Он помнил, что явился по делу, с парламентским флагом, так сказать.

    She prided herself on remembering her customers' likes and dislikes in the way of food. (A. Christie, ‘The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding’, ‘Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds’) — Официантка Молли гордилась тем, что помнит, какие блюда особенно по душе каждому ее клиенту.

    In that small village there was very little in the way of entertainment. (ECI) — Что касается развлечений, то их почти не было в этой деревушке.

    2) в виде, в качестве чего-л.

    The attack was made, not in the way of storm, but by slow... approaches. (Th. Macaulay, ‘The History of England’, vol. I, ch. II) — Нападающие действовали не с ошеломляющей быстротой, а осмотрительно и осторожно...

    Shake... always contrived to be on the spot when anything was doing in the way of a gamble. (K. S. Prichard, ‘Potch and Colour’, ‘The Mayor of Bardie Creek’) — Шейк... всегда ухитрялся быть там, где пахло азартной игрой.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > in the way of smth.

  • 11 out of the way

    (unusual: There was nothing out of the way about what she said.) nyt; usædvanligt
    * * *
    (unusual: There was nothing out of the way about what she said.) nyt; usædvanligt

    English-Danish dictionary > out of the way

  • 12 to be on the way

    English-spanish dictionary > to be on the way

  • 13 out of the way

    (unusual: There was nothing out of the way about what she said.) fora do normal
    * * *
    out of the way
    a) fora do caminho. b) fig que despista, desvia. c) extraordinário, fora do comum. d) na prisão. e) morto. they put him out of the way / eles afastaram-no, liquidaram-no (mataram-no).
    out of the way
    fora do caminho, acabado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > out of the way

  • 14 in the way of smth.

       1) в oтнoшeнии чeгo-л., чтo кacaeтcя...; пo чacти чeгo-л., нacчёт чeгo-л.
        She prided herself on remembering her customers' likes and dislikes in the way of food (A Christie). Shake... always contrived to be on the spot when anything was doing in the way of a gamble (K. S. Prichard). In that small village there was very little in the way of entertainment
       2) в видe, в кaчecтвe чeгo-л.
        The attack was made, not in the way of storm, but by slow... approaches (Th. Macaulay)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > in the way of smth.

  • 15 out of the way

    (unusual: There was nothing out of the way about what she said.) ungewöhnlich
    * * *
    adj pred
    adj attr spot, place abgelegen, entlegen

    English-german dictionary > out of the way

  • 16 tapering all-the-way to the end

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > tapering all-the-way to the end

  • 17 on the way out

    2) исчезающий; устаревающий, выходящий из моды

    We both know he's on the way out. There's a new kind of cowboy over at one of the studios. A singing cowboy. He uses a guitar instead of a gun. (H. Robbins, ‘The Carpetbaggers’, ‘Jonas-1930’) — Мы оба знаем, что Невада сходит на нет. В одной из студий уже снимают ковбоя нового типа. Он поет и увлекается игрой на гитаре, а не стрельбой из револьвера.

    That hair-do is clearly on the way out. — Эта прическа явно выходит из моды.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > on the way out

  • 18 out of the way

    (unusual: There was nothing out of the way about what she said.) insólito
    (remote) apartado,-a, remoto,-a 2 (exceptional) excepcional, particular, original

    English-spanish dictionary > out of the way

  • 19 out of the way

    (unusual: There was nothing out of the way about what she said.) óvenjulegur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > out of the way

  • 20 out of the way

    (unusual: There was nothing out of the way about what she said.) szokatlan

    English-Hungarian dictionary > out of the way

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Way International — Founder(s) Victor Paul Wierwille Location New Knoxville, Ohio, U.S. Origins October 3, 1942 [1] Vesper Chimes radio program[2] Key peopl …   Wikipedia

  • The Way We Live Now (short story) — The Way We Live Now is a short story by Susan Sontag which was published to great acclaim on November 24, 1986 in The New Yorker . The story describes the beginnings of the AIDS crisis in the early 1980s, as the disease began to claim members of… …   Wikipedia

  • The Way to Wealth — is an essay written by Benjamin Franklin in 1758. It is a collection of adages and advice presented in Poor Richard s Almanac during its first 25 years of publication, organized into a speech given by Father Abraham to a group of people. Many of… …   Wikipedia

  • The Way to Happiness — Infobox Organization name = The Way to Happiness Foundation International image border = size = caption = abbreviation = motto = formation = type = Non profit organization headquarters = 201 E. Broadway, Glendale, California membership = language …   Wikipedia

  • The Way Between the Worlds — infobox Book | name = The Way Between the Worlds title orig = translator = image caption = First edition cover author = Ian Irvine cover artist = Mark Sofilas country = Australia language = English series = The View from the Mirror genre =… …   Wikipedia

  • The Way Things Work — For the Unknown Instructors album, please refer to The Way Things Work (album) Infobox Book name = The Way Things Work title orig = translator = image caption = Book cover for The Way Things Work author = David Macaulay illustrator = cover artist …   Wikipedia

  • The Way We Live Now — For the Susan Sontag short story, see The Way We Live Now (short story) . The Way We Live Now is a scathing satirical novel published in London in 1875 by Anthony Trollope, after a popular serialisation. It was regarded by many of Trollope s… …   Wikipedia

  • The Way of All Flesh (novel) — Infobox Book name = The Way of All Flesh title orig = translator = image caption = author = Samuel Butler illustrator = cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = genre = Semi Autobiographical novel publisher = Grant… …   Wikipedia

  • The Way Up to Heaven — Infobox short story | name = The Way Up to Heaven title orig = translator = author = country = language = series = genre = published in = publication type = publisher = media type = pub date = english pub date = preceded by = followed by = The… …   Wikipedia

  • The Way We Was — Infobox Simpsons episode episode name = The Way We Was image caption = Homer attempts to ask Marge to the prom. episode no = 25 prod code = 7F12 airdate = January 31, 1991 show runner = James L. Brooks Matt Groening Sam Simon writer = Al Jean… …   Wikipedia

  • The Way You Make Me Feel — Single infobox Name = The Way You Make Me Feel Artist = Michael Jackson from Album = Bad Released = November 9 1987 Format = CD single Genre = Pop, R B Length = 4:58 Recorded = 1987 Label = Epic Records Writer = Michael Jackson Producer = Michael …   Wikipedia

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